Monday 3 November 2008

What We Did At Half-Term

We had school vacation the last week of October. It is called Half Term. Here's what we did during our vacation.

We took the train to London with Mom and visited the Natural History Museum. We heard a scientist talk about the Giant Squid they have at the museum.

Tom found £5 in London!

We played chess in the student lounge and ball games in the sports hall.

A man from the village came and taught us how to play cricket. It was really fun.
We really want to see a hedgehog so we decided to put out plates of dog food to attract a hedgehog. We put the food out when it got dark then went back later to look. We tried 2 nights but we didn't see a hedgehog.
All we got was a slug, spiders and some earwigs.
Mom took us to Grantham and we bought England soccer jerseys. Then we went to her favorite pub called the Blue Pig. It is haunted but we didn't see the ghost.
We each carved 2 pumpkins. We have Halloween decorations in our flat. We ate caramel apple pieces. For Halloween Joe was a spider web and Tom was a bull. We didn't get very much candy because most people don't give it out.But some people we know invited us to their house after trick or treating and we had chip butties. They are o.k. We also ate a lot of our candy.On the weekend we went to Durham to see the cathedral. And we went to Hadrian's Wall which the Romans built 2000 years ago. We walked along the wall and by old forts. We had to hurry back so we wouldn't miss the bus and when we got back in time we got to eat lots of Halloween candy and drink hot chocolate.

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